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Halvdagsseminar kl. 09 - 12:

- Registrering
9:00 - Computerworlds redaktør Jan Birkeland ønsker velkommen
9:05Challenges, innovation and design thinking - Rune Veerasawmy
9:25 - Design thinking a way of boosting your innovative potential - Rune Veerasawmy
9:40 - Pause
10:00 - How to scale your innovation projects? - Rune Veerasawmy
10:15 - Build-meassure-learn PART 1 - Lars Martin Lund
10:35 - Pause
10:55 - Build-meassure-learn PART 2 - Lars Martin Lund
11:15 - Design thinking metod – How to do your design thinking - Rune Veerasawmy
11:35 - InnoBooster design sprint – sneak peak - Rune Veerasawmy
11:50 - Avslutning 

Workshop kl. 13 - 15:

- Workshop on Innobooster – PART 1 - Rune Veerasawmy
Get a sneak peak on some of the design thinking experiments that is the foundation for our innobooster projects.
13:50 - Pause
14:10 - Workshop on Innobooster – PART 2 - Rune Veerasawmy
Get a sneak peak on some of the design thinking experiments that is the foundation for our innobooster projects.

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