Per Vestby
Seniorrådgiver, Coop
"Slik skaper Coop forretningsverdi av dataene"
Coop har i dag en fjerdedel av det norske dagligvarevaremarkedet og hele konsernet omsetter for over 31 milliarder kroner i året. I dette foredraget får du vite hvordan konsernet bruker Big Data for å skape forretingsverdi.
Om foredragsholder:
Per Haakon Vestby has since 2002 been CIO of Coop Norway. He has IT experience from the vendor side (Norsk Data), and from consultancy (Accenture). From 1995 Vestby has managed IT production and development in large organizations like SAS and Coop. Vestby was one of top 3 candidates for "IT Director of the year" in 2011 as nominated by Computerworld, based on a project establishing a common IT platform in all Coop stores. The project's business case was based on the ability to deliver consistent offerings and services to Coop's customers, as well as cost-effective operations.
Adlai Goldberg
Partner - Social Media Analytics, Ernst & Young
"Discovering Gems In Social Media That Will Add Value To Your Business"
As the tools and capabilities to mine the vast amounts of conversations Social Media evolve, more than ever are we able to discover insights that can provide strategic opportunity or help to protect your business. Through two specific case studies, let’s explore how this is done and may be applied to your context.
Om foredragsholder:
EY Advisory Partner, responsible for building and now leading EY's global social media analytics hub as well as the digital transformation practice in EMEIA. Focus on key international media, telecommunications, consumer products, pharmaceutical and public sector accounts. More than 25 years of media industry, communications and consulting experience. Extensive international experience - living and working 17 years in Asia, 6 years in the CIS and most recently, 2+ in Europe.
Prior to Switzerland, led EY's Performance Improvement Practice across the CIS region, developed EY's 70-person consulting team in Ukraine and grew consulting practices in Jakarta, Indonesia and Hong Kong.
In industry, led one of Asia’s largest creative services team, produced television programs as well as planned and executed a large number of diverse communications projects.
Stefan Robsén
Vice President Solutions, Lavastorm
"Breaking down the wall"
Businesses are struggling with increasing data volumes, complexity, diversity and at the same time more requirements from the business users for more Analysis and reporting.
How can IT Departments cope with this evolving challenge and breaking down the wall between the business users and IT and at the same time not slip in the data governance and control.
Om foredragsholder:
Stefan Robsén has more than 21 years experience within Telecom. For seven years he was responsible for the implementation of Billing Systems, CRM Systems and Network Communication Systems for Telia Mobile, the largest Mobile Operator in Sweden. He joined Visual Wireless in 1999 since then he has had leading roles in all of the Company’s Revenue Assurance and Fraud system implementation projects. He later became the Vice President of Lavastorm Global services with projects and consultants in 5 continents. Stefan founded Manassure in 2006, a Telecom Business Risk company. Stefan re-joined Lavastorm as the Vice President of Solutions and Head of the EMEA Office in 2008. Lavastorm utilizes TIBCO Jaspersoft, Spotfire and Tibco Enterprise Runtime for R to deliver BI and Advanced Analytics to the business user.
Dr. Tetyana Kholodna
Managing Consultant, Capgemini
"Digitalizing your intuition"
In the era of digitalization, when Real-Time Drilling, Real-Time Production Surveillance and Intelligent Wells are becoming the norm in oil industry, the quality of decisions can be substantially improved by an important paradigm shift in data analysis: The data have an intrinsic value, regardless of which process they belong. This approach is a way to improve quality of decisions by drawing on statistical analysis of real data. These ideas can be used in other areas and industries. How can Big Data technologies become the engine of such a paradigm shift?
Om foredragsholder:
Tetyana Kholodna, PhD, is a managing consultant at Capgemini Norway. She leads a professional group within Business Information Management. Tetyana has a long experience from several industries and is passionate about benefits of using mathematical methods to resolve engineering challenges. She has been applying advanced analytical methods in various areas in oil industry, especially in predictive maintenance and well data analysis.
Frank Tenambergen
Special Engagement Manager, Hitachi
"The Internet of Things, slik gjør vi verden trygger, sikrere og raskere"
Data er overalt! Det er overalt hvor du kan tenke deg – smarttelefoner, biler og selvfølgelig Internett. Og det er overalt hvor du normalt ikke tenker på – tog, vindturbiner, bondegårder m.m. Verdien i Big Data er å få innsikt i dataene gjennom analyser. Analyse av store mengder data og informasjon er i seg selv ikke noe nytt, men med dagens teknologi har vi muligheten via et mye bredere spekter av data kilder og skaffe oss bedre innsikt. Nye teknologier som Hadoop, objekt-basert lagring og In-Memory databaser lar oss prosessere enorme mengder og variasjoner av data. Nå kan du få innsikt og analyser på forskjellige nivåer langt raskere enn tidligere. Nye data, nye teknologiske utfordringer og nye muligheter – Velkommen til en verden av Big Data, velkommen til vår verden!
Johan Bengte
Territory Manager, Veeam Norway
"Sikrer informasjonen med automatisk gjennoppretting"
Det som er viktigst for IT-gruppen i Energiselskapet Buskerud (EB) er datatilgjengelighet og beskyttelse for gruppens 10 selskaper. Tidligere sikkerhetsløsning var tidkrevende, tillot ikke rask gjenoppretting og garanterte ikke at sikkerhetskopien var 100% gjennopprettbar. Med hjelp av moderne teknologi minsket behovet for vedlikehold betraktelig, man kunne fastslå at backupinformasjonen var sikkert lagret, prosesser ble overvåket og informasjon kunne gjenopprettes på minutter i stedet for timer. Alt for å møte bedriftens høye krav til tilgjengelighet og beskyttelse.
Om foredragsholder:
As Territory Manager for Norway, Bengte is responsible for developing and closing business within the Norwegian market, and works closely with the partner network. His primary focus is to help Veeam's partners close as much business as possible and give their customers the information needed to see and use the full potential from the products Veeam delivers within Data Security.
Tomas Myrbostad
Partner, Simonsen Vogt Wiig
"Big Data – hvordan holde seg på juss-matta"
Problematikken rundt Big Data har vært i søkelyset en stund. Datatilsynet har kommentert at de følger utviklingen. Store medieselskaper utnytter Big Data til å utvikle produkter. Dataene Google, Facebook, Linkedin, Amazon og andre leverandører av sosiale medier sitter på, representerer store verdier for markedsføring. Problemstillingene som oppstår er hvordan virksomheter må manøvrere for på lovlig vis å kunne utnytte Big Data. I dette foredraget får du innsikt i hvordan en bør operere i forhold til å kunne benytte seg av Big Data på lovlig og etisk vis.
Om foredragsholder:
Tomas Myrbostad har lang fartstid i mediabransjen, blant annet som juridisk direktør i RiksTV. Han arbeider daglig med spørsmål innen kringkasting, digital distribusjon og nye medier, herunder kontrakter, offentlige reguleringer, opphavsrett og markedsrett. Fagområder: e-handel og -markedsføring, immaterialrett, media og teknologiprosjekter.
Redaktør Michael Oreld