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Investeringssimulator hos verdens største statlige fond

Yazid Sharaiha – Head of Systematic and Portfolio Strategies
Gunnar Lunde – Lead Solution Architect
Begge fra Oljefondet, Norges Bank Investment Management

Oljefondet kommer på årets Energyworld for å snakke om hvordan teknologien driver verden videre

Global energy market outlook: Challenges and opportunities towards net-zero emissions

Fabian Skarboe Rønningen – Analyst, Power Markets Research – Rystad Energy

Rystad Energy is an independent energy research and business intelligence company providing data, tools, analytics and consultancy services to clients exposed to the energy industry across the globe. Our high-end capabilities within energy fundamentals, oil and gas markets, supply chains, renewables and energy transition strengthen the insight and expertise of our clients, thereby assuring quality decisions. Since 2004, we have worked tirelessly to develop best-in-class data, analytics and support, and in the process have earned the confidence and trust of our ever-growing list of clients. Having become a sought-after voice in the energy market, we are widely recognized for our up-to-date, consistent and comprehensive data and insights.

Digital Twins – How it transforms the way we work

Inger Mette Stålesen – Director Technical Information – ConocoPhilips

ConocoPhilips Norway have many digital twins in use, covering facilities from the 1970s up til now.
Several important learnings and successes have been captured to date – and ConocoPhilips embrace these in the continued development of Digital Twins and implementations to transform the way we work.

Beskyttelse av data i ro og i transit:

Digitale avhengigheter i leverandørkjeder, ansvarlighet og risikoeierskap.

Kristian Solheim Teigen – sjefingeniør prosessintegritet – Petroleumstilsynet

Gjennom den teknologiske utviklingen med industriell digitalisering søker petroleumssektoren å anvende digital teknologi på tvers av OT og IT. Denne sammenknytningen er også sentral i Industri 4.0.
Tegninger, modeller og konfigurasjon smeltes sammen med tidsseriedata fra sensorer, via kontrollsystemer og edge- til kontorsystemer, og videre frem til skybaserte dataplattformer.
Denne informasjonsmengden kontekstualiseres og søkes tilgjengeliggjort i en voksende digital verdikjede.

Kompleksitet og avhengighet i informasjons- og leverandørkjeder gjør det utfordrende å ha tilstrekkeligoversikt og kunnskap om informasjonsverdier.
Hvilke tiltak som er hensiktsmessige å iverksette for å redusere sårbarhetsnivået, må sees i sammenheng med hvor verdifull informasjonen er, hensyn til gevinst- og/eller skade- og ulykkespotensial for informasjonseier, samfunnet og trusselaktører.

Presentasjonen av studiet «Beskyttelse av data i ro og i transit» gjennomført for Ptil i 2021, vil fokusere på risikoeierskap, styring og kontroll i digitale verdikjeder. I hvilken grad overlates ansvar til leverandører, og hvordan påvirker dette risiko og mulighet for kontroll?

Microsoft and Schlumberger: A story of Digital Data, Collaboration and The Energy transition

Tormod Slettemeås – Digital Subsurface BD Manager – Schlumberger
Øyvind Skjold – Senior Program Manager – Microsoft Cloud for Energy

Schlumberger, a global Service company with strong local presence, recently transformed and restructured its entire business to align with a changing market, focusing on Digitalization, Openness and Sustainability, but with a more humble approach to Collaboration and Customer success.

Since the first Wireline log in 1927, to the massive amount of structured, unstructured and  instrumented data acquired in 2022 and beyond, Schlumberger had Data at the core of its business – and recently announced it will open source its data ecosystem and contribute to the Open Subsurface Data Universe (OSDU) Forum

Microsoft and Schlumberger have accelerated their collaboration to deliver the Schlumberger Enterprise Data Management Solution for the OSDU™ Data Platform on Microsoft Azure. This is Industry-first OSDU-compatible solution with seamless connectivity to the DELFI* cognitive E&P environment, built using leading cloud capabilities from Microsoft, complemented with extensive AI and domain expertise from Schlumberger. The data platform concept and digital capabilities are directly transferrable in the energy transition, especially around CCS and Wind. The pace of global climate change will again change the game, requiring new digital capabilities at lower cost with a lower carbon footprint. 

This talk will be a reflection over the recent 5 years of digitalization success – and challenges, with great examples of collaboration with Microsoft, small and large E&P companies, as well as how Schlumberger aim to transition existing technology to new energy and low carbon solutions - opening new arenas of collaboration and synergies.

Delivering Digital Transformation at Shell Supply Chains – a fireside chat with Salesforce

Fraser Hill – General Manager Digital & Process Transformation – Shell Projects & Technology

Learn how a digital platform can be used to transform energy supplier relationships; driving collaboration, efficiency and diversification. Hear from Shell on how they embarked on a journey to create a transparent and collaborative ecosystem of 30K suppliers across 100+ countries underpinned by an integrated platform. 

By supporting the end-to-end supplier relationship lifecycle, Shell was able to:
o Empower procurement teams
o Improve the supplier experience
o Integrate data to a single source of truth

Robotic Process Automation Journey – for Kaefer Energy

Kim Knudsen – Sales Manager - Nordics – UiPath
Stine Fjellstad– Key Account Manager – Atea

A quick introduction to Robotics Process Automation – RPA and learn how Kaefer Energy has adopted RPA solutions to replace human mundane and repetitive tasks. How many hours of work were saved by introducing RPA to standard business processes, what business values were created and why RPA is now a key part of the overall digitalization strategy.

Equinor Spine: Stepping into the age of data and interoperability

Fredrik Chrislock – Team lead – Spine Semantic Infrastructure – Bouvet
Trond Karlsen – Lead IT Architect Spine – Equinor

In the Spine project we at Equinor are building the structural backbone to operate in a highly interconnected world with ever-increasing amounts of data.

By leveraging new advances in technology and standardization, we can operate more efficiently. This is because we increase the reliability of our data by providing a single source of truth and eliminate the risk of losing information when translating between the local languages of each tribe.

In this talk, we discuss how we are able to rebuild an engine – while the car is moving.

Increasing Flexibility and Minimizing Risk for your data platform

Jarle Soland – CEO & co-founder of BI Builders
Ivar Andreassen – Enterprise architect at eLogic

Do you already have a data platform on a small or large scale? Or are you thinking this is something your organization should investigate? Either way, this is a valuable session explaining how using metadata-driven automation to build, maintain, and document the solution will increase productivity in data delivery and decrease risks in the process of implementation and maintenance.

When is the 'right time' to start (or change) the data platform journey? When are you ready? Do you have control of all your data sources, a stable and foreseeable infrastructure environment, and all business needs lined up? No? – That's OK! By using metadata-driven automation, our customers can start small and scale out and up as data usage and maturity is growing. For example, starting on-premises, then migrate to cloud, start with one source system, then include more. With the flexibility to change every piece of the puzzle in the data platform from source, to storage types, to infrastructure, you do not have to have the long-term data strategy in place before you can start to leverage data in a structured way.

Jarle Soland will explain the basic concepts of metadata-driven automation and solution documentation with Xpert BI, and how this has helped companies across industries. The session includes customer references using Xpert BI for data carve-outs during and after a merger or acquisition process.

OT Zero Trust security for the energy industry

Christian Søgaard Nielsen – Principal Sales Engineer, Nordic – TXOne Networks

TXOne networks is a joint venture between Trend Micro and Moxa. They are a global OT security company that protects industrial customers against cyberattacks by using the OT Zero trust framework.

Our mission is to keep your factories running

Dmitri is a Certified Information Systems Security Professional with more than 25 years of IT Security experience. His area of expertise is in the cyber security and threat management, ICS/SCADA, IT Security Governance, Data Protection and Security Operations. Prior to Trend Micro and TXOne Networks career Dmitri lead Enterprise Security Solutions practice of Wipro in Benelux. Before Wipro he spent 12 years with Atos in different roles from a Security Engineer to a Security Manager. The highlight of Dmitri’s carrier was a role of the Games IT Security Manager for Vancouver 2010 Winter Olympic Games.

Securing your critical infrastructure

Shiraz Valji – Consulting Systems Engineer – Fortinet Europe

With the everchanging landscape of energy consumption models and routes to market and the large request for more renewable energy the oil and gas industry is undergoing a massive transformation and growth. With the growth comes the technology impact and the increasing use of OT to automate and make processes more effective and secure. 

Security is a critical component in any OT set up, but highly critical when it comes to utilities and if breached it can cause an outage that will impact critical services that can result in loss of revenue and create serious damages to the areas affected. In this session we are not going to talk about the "if an attacks happen" but about the "How to prevent". We will inspire you with reel life examples and show you how a you can implement a successful "Secure first" strategy. 

Digital transformasjon for olje- og energibransjen med “No-code”

Vidar Melstveit – Business Development Manager – Appfarm

Bruken av no-code i utvikling av forretningsapplikasjoner har eksplodert de siste årene. No-code muliggjør en langt raskere og mer kostnadseffektiv prosess, uten at det går på bekostning av kompleksitet eller brukervennlighet. Appfarm vil gi et innblikk i no-code og demonstrere et knippe applikasjoner utviklet for aktører i olje- og energibransjen – uten en eneste kodelinje.

Digitalisering i den virkelige verden

Torbjørn Sitre – Director and Head of Innovation and Business Design – Sopra Steria

Ny teknologi og nye metoder skaper fantastiske muligheter, og samtidig utfordringer og frustrasjon. Det er lett å bli inspirert av fremoverlente aktører som finner nye måter å skape verdi på, og samtidig erfarer mange at det er krevende å få nyskaping til å passe inn i eksisterende prosesser og strukturer, og å få gode resultater fra innovasjonstiltak.

I dette innlegget vil Torbjørn snakke litt om de erfaringene vi har med implementering av store og små teknologiske forbedringer, hvilke utfordringer vi ser at virksomheter møter, og hva vi gjør for å bidra til at teknologien vi implementerer skaper mest mulig verdi.

Digital transformasjon i Gassco - håndtere stabil og sikker drift samtidig som vi skal utvikle oss

Leif Heggø – Manager Digitalisation– Gassco
Frode Wågen – Delivery Manager – CegalSYSCO

Gassco er operatøren for det norske transportsystemet for gass, og har de siste årene vært på en teknologisk og organisatorisk reise for å se hvordan de kunne utnytte den teknologiske utviklingen.

Datasentre med bidrag til det grønne skiftet

Klaus Livik – Chief Strategist – Volue

Datasentre er vurdert som energiintensiv virksomhet der overskuddsvarme fra kjøling går til spille. Ved å kombinere tjenester samt teknologi fra CGI og Green Edge Compute med IT løsning fra Volue er det i Trondheim etablert et testområde der overskuddsvarme leveres til Statkraft Varme og omsettes i et lokalt energimarked. Dette gir sektorkopling og et energieffektivt datasenter. Demonstrasjonen inngår i EU Horizon prosjektet +CityxChange. I Stavanger planlegger CGI og Green Edge Compute et nytt senter der konseptet skal videreføres. Synergier fra domenekunnskap i software, hardware og energiforsyning gir kanskje verdens mest bærekraftige datasenter? Volue vil presentere den løsningen som de har utviklet i samarbeide med Trønderenergi – og som kan håndtere både datasenter, batteri, sol og fleksibelt forbruk.

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