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Per Jakobsen

IT sjef, Narvik Kommune

La innovasjon slippe til hvis du tør!

Per er “nyskjerrig-per” og har en iboende interesse for nye måter å løse gamle problemer på gjennom bruk av ny teknologi. Dette ledet etterhvert til satsingen i en skytjeneste fra Google som etterhvert skulle vise seg å bli testet som en prinsippsak hos Datatilsynet. Høsten 2012 fikk Narvik kommune brev fra Datatilsynet om at saken var avsluttet. I ettertid har Per holdt en rekke foredrag om kommunens satsing i skyen med formål å bre kunnskap og inspirasjon til andre: “Risikovurdering ved implementering av innovative teknologi-løsninger er et sentralt tema som må ha høy oppmerksomhet når fremtidsrettet innovasjon skal ha grobunn”.

Anders Bjørnestad og Geir Bjerkemo

Anders Bjørnestad, prosjektleder, Webstep og Geir Bjerkemo, styreformann ICS

Skyen som et strategisk verktøy for kontroll og optimalisering av tekniske anleggsmidler

ICS besluttet våren 2010 å investere i utvikling av et nytt kjernesystem for Asset Lifecycle Management. Systemet skulle tilgjengeliggjøres for ICS’s kunder og partnere som en webbasert Software as a Service løsning. For en liten organisasjon som ICS uten egen IT avdeling eller IT infrastruktur var dette en større utfordring. 

I dette foredraget vil Geir Bjerkemo og Anders Bjørnestad fortelle hvordan de klarte å realisere dette prosjektet i løpet av 12 måneder med bistand fra Webstep og en skybasert infrastruktur.   

Nigel Hawthorn

European Spokesperson, Skyhigh Networks på vegne av Data Equipment

Data protection and data in the cloud

Data protection legislation is important in Norway, the EU and around the world - how does it affect data stored in the cloud? What are the laws like today and how are they changing? For example, the new EU Data Protection Regulation should be published this year and everyone who has data on EU citizens has to conform. Hear how the legislation is being strengthened from today’s directive; how it impacts cloud data, your new responsibilities, the increased fines, the overall impact on business, IT and compliance as well as users and the actions recommended to ensure you are compliant. The presentation will look at the history of EU data protection and today’s directive, what it means for sensitive personal data stored in the cloud and how organisations can meet the technical requirements in the new regulation. 

From working with an Apple distributor in 1980, Nigel has over 30 years experience of computers, security, networking and mobility.  He has a strong technical background, with roles in pre-sales and post-sales support and product management before technology marketing.  His international knowledge started in 1987 and he has presented at security, e-commerce and networking conferences in over 50 countries. 


He has contributed to a number of computing books on network protocols and security, written many articles and lived in California for a number of years before relocating back to the UK as he was missing the rain! While in the USA, he launched 3Com’s range of stackable hubs and switches, helping to grow the business from zero to over $20M.

His experience has mirrored many of the most innovative areas of computing; Apple and PCs in the 1980s, storage and networking in the 1990s, Internet performance and web security in the 2000s and mobility and cloud enablement in the 2010s.

Rasmus Lauridsen

Director IT Operations, Dualog AS

Hybrid Cloud – global presence from Tromsø (ENG)

Dualog AS provides ship-shore data communication services and technical support to commercial vessels worldwide. Dualog’s headquarters is based in Tromsø with offices in Oslo, Liverpool and Singapore as well as numerous international service partners. With global offices along with sales and technicians teams traveling require data sharing and collaboration but face problems with latency and security.

In 2014 the IT Operations team at Dualog initiated a hybrid cloud project to reduce the need for local office servers while increasing data access and security.  Rasmus Lauridsen acts as the Director of IT Operations at Dualog AS. Born in Denmark, but home is Tromsö since 2008. Rasmus has more than 10 years of experience from complex and business critical IT operations within international environments.

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