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Lars-Henrik Gundersen

Administrerende direktør, NorSIS

Datasikkerhet på hjemmekontor

Arbeidshverdagen har flyttet seg til hjemmekontoret, og plutselig er det ditt private nettverk og dine private løsninger som skiller virksomhetens verdifulle data fra kriminelle som er ute etter sitt neste offer. Med et par klikk og en nedlasting av et ukjent vedlegg i en e-post, en Facebook-post eller en SMS kan hele din virksomhets IT-system bli lammet og kryptert. Løsepengevirus har seilt opp som en av de virkelig store digitale truslene mot både små og store bedrifter over hele Europa.

Lars-Henrik Gundersen er administrerende direktør i Norsis. Han har jobbet med sikkerhet i 25 år og er utdannet Master i risiko- og kriseledelse fra University of Leicester. Lars-Henrik jobbet i mange år med ledelse av tekniske organisasjoner, og har hatt direktørroller i flere globale konsern. Videre har han hatt sentrale roller i flere store offentlige prosjekter innen informasjonssikkerhet, identitet og risikovurdering. Han har også vært konsulent og rådgiver innen sikkerhet i mange år, og har ledet sikkerhetsprosjekter lokalt i flere deler av verden. Dette ledet ham til å spesialisere seg innen sikkerhetskultur, spesielt ved tjenesteutsetting til lavkostland. Lars-Henrik er spesielt opptatt av den menneskelige faktoren i sikkerhetsarbeidet, og at råd om sikkerhet skal være lette å oppfatte og følge.

Peter Grimmond

Vice President & International CTO, Veritas

Ransomware Resilience in a Multicloud Era

Digital transformation, and especially cloud adoption, has accelerated due to the global pandemic.  Faced with the need to support widespread remote working, enterprises have both enabled remote access to a broader set of computer systems in their data centres and moved applications to the public cloud.  As this shift accelerates, resiliency planning has not kept pace, creating a resiliency gap.  There are numerous reasons, but the key is that while enterprises have found the cloud to be an easy-to-adopt platform, they’ve found it much more difficult to adopt a platform for resiliency.  In this presentation, Peter will share insights from a recent study into Ransomware Resiliency, as well as recommendations on ways to close the resiliency gap.

As Veritas’ International CTO, Peter is responsible for leading the pre-sales technical engagement with Veritas’ customers and partners outside of the Americas.  He heads a team of over 130 technical specialists who work throughout the solution lifecycle: driving awareness of Veritas’ capabilities, understanding customers’ requirements, scoping solutions based on Veritas’ products and services and supporting Veritas’ customers and partners in fully realising the value from their Veritas investment.  Peter is a 30-year veteran of the Data Management industry.  He holds a BSc in Information Technology from Brunel University in London.

Edwin Weijdema

Technologist in Product Strategy, Veeam

How to manage data at a time of disruption?

Maintaining customer trust is a core priority. With the rise of cyberattacks, any breach can cause significant damage. Add in the immense pressure you are under to ensure governance and compliance; the task can feel overwhelming. The pandemic has effectively become a catalyst for cybersecurity threats to rise to an all time high. Given the shift toward social distancing and remote work conditions for many organisations, cyber security has become a top priority for many organisations. 

Edwin Weijdema is a Global Technologist for Veeam Software based in The Netherlands covering a global role within the Product Strategy team. He serves as a partner and trusted adviser to customers and partners worldwide bridging business and technology. He has over 28 years of industry experience with a key focus on data management, availability and cyber security. He is a veteran vExpert, Cisco Champion and holds several other certifications. He is also a crew member and blogger at www.vmguru.com

Kjell-Einar Anderssen

Senior Account Manager for Central and Local Government, Nutanix

Multi-Layered Approach to ransomware

Det går ikke en dag uten at vi leser om selskaper som er blitt utsatt for ransomware eller andre data innbrudd. Veldig ofte er selskapene kjent med sikkerhets utfordringene de har, men har ikke fått prioritert å løse de eller det er for kostbart å løse utfordringene.

Mange selskaper sliter med silobasert sikkerhets løsninger som krever mye spesial kompetanse. Vi fortsetter å legge på flere lag med sikkerhet og til slutt er det neste umulig å få en oversikt over hvordan alt virker.

Verdikjeden for å oppnå en oversiktlig og sikker IT løsning bør starte hos leverandøren av din IT infrastruktur. Hvis din leverandøren tenker sikkerhet igjennom hele utviklings prosessen frem til ferdig produkt har du som kunde større mulighet til å løse dine utfordringer.

Kjell-Einar Anderssen har mer en 30 års erfaring fra IT bransjen og har gjennom alle disse årene bygg opp en solid kunnskap rundt IT og hvordan IT effektivt kan brukes innen forskjellige forretningsområder. De siste 7 år har Kjell-Einar jobbet i Nutanix og er i dag ansvarlig for Nutanix sine kunder innenfor offentlig sektor i Norge.

Tracy Reinhold

Chief Security Officer, Everbridge

The New Normal: Managing Physical and Digital Security Threats in a COVID-19 World

As the world begins the tenuous process of reopening economies following months of lockdowns related to the COVID-19 pandemic, business leaders are faced with ongoing security threats. CSOs are tasked with keeping their employees safe and mitigating the spread of COVID as they re-enter the workplace. CISOs need to find ways to secure their networks and combat increased risks of phishing, malware, intrusion and data exfiltration for those organizations who have shifted to a long-term, perhaps permanent, remote work model.

Tracy Reinhold is Chief Security Officer at Everbridge. He is responsible for advancing Everbridge’s enterprise-level security strategy, as well as working closely with customers and partners to optimize their organizational approach to managing and responding to critical events. Reinhold has served in executive leadership roles in security and incident management for some of the world’s largest brands and organizations such as Fannie Mae, Walmart, Federal Bureau of Investigations and FBI.


Antti Pietarinen

Senior Product Owner, Business Security, F-Secure

How to address security challenges during remote working?

Pandemic and the new normal have accelerated digital transformation in organizations in ways never seen before. The global shift to remote working, rapidly evolving virtual ways of collaboration, increased journey to cloud, accelerated adoption of emerging technologies and – last but not least – the explosion of dispersed security tools in the market have made IT and cyber security landscape more complex than ever. As we add new digital tools and new ways of working, we simultaneously introduce new vulnerabilities and loopholes for the attackers to exploit.  Cyber security platform with Endpoint Detection and Response technology gives businesses great visibility to threats, attacks and internal risky behaviour but also opportunity to minimize post-compromise damages.

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