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Using the power of generative AI at scale

with Azure OpenAI

Maxim Salnikov – Developer Engagement Lead i Microsoft Norway

In this session, you'll get all the answers about how ChatGPT and other GPT-3 models can be applied to your current or future project. First, we'll put in order all the terms – OpenAI, GPT-3, ChatGPT, Codex, Dall-E, etc., and explain why Microsoft and Azure are often mentioned in this context. Then, we'll go through the main capabilities of the Azure OpenAI and respective usecases that might inspire you to either optimize your product or build a completely new one.

How We Are Learning will disrupt the learning industry with the power of AI and cognitive services

Lars-Petter W. Kjos – CPO i We Are Learning

The number one challenge with any Learning Management System (LMS) on the market today is that it is almost impossible to publish anything else than videos, text or images, and interactivity is in most cases just different quiz question types. Why is that? Well creating a 3D simulation based on nested scripts and gamification is highly expensive, time consuming and requires special skills or agencies to help out. A regular VR soft skills simulation training course costs in the range from $40,000 to $155,000 per project. That is why We Are creating a super easy to use tool for anyone to create engaging high quality soft skills training in 3D in minutes or hours, not months. 

We Are Learning is so easy to use that anyone can create engaging learning experiences in 3D. We use the latest technology like ai-script writing, text to speech, voice recognition and auto translation. Simply write your script and We Are will turn your text into beautiful 3D animated interactive stories in any language you want.

Lars-Petter W. Kjos is an experienced CPO and Creative Director and has together with his partner Rolf Risnes co-funded 7 companies within technology, digital communication, design and gaming during the last 20 years. His last company Motimate (LMS), was acquired by Kahoot in 2021. Now he has co-funded a new start up, We Are Learning, together with Rolf Risnes, Markus Tallaksen Halvorsen and Atle Myhrer Knudtzon. We Are Learning is aiming to disrupt the e-learning industry focusing on soft skills training.

En bedre handleopplevelse og færre feilkjøp med OpenAI

Øyvind Eikeland – Chief Technology Officer i Zizr

Zizr er en anbefalingstjeneste som benytter Azure-plattformen og OpenAI-teknologi for å hjelpe kunder med å finne riktig størrelse på sko og klær. Ved å bruke avansert dataanalyse og klassifiseringsteknikker, kan Zizr tilby presise anbefalinger til brukere basert på deres personlige preferanser og mål. Dette gir kundene en bedre handleopplevelse og reduserer risikoen for feilkjøp og returer.

Øyvind has more than 20 years of experience building large enterprise software, both on-premises and in the public cloud. He has previously worked for Accenture, FAST Search and Transfer, Microsoft, Visma and Knowit in engineering and leadership roles.
Øyvind is responsible for development and operations of the Zizr services. This includes technology, architecture, security and the quality of the service.

Human Augmentation– Balancing Trust, Creativity & Privacy with Generative AI

Tom Einar Nyberg – Partner, Digital Transformasjon i KPMG Norway

Working with Generative AI in different areas: text, coding, images, video will potentially boost workforce productivity in multiple ways. Exactly how much, still remains to be seen– but these new developments in AI technology, also come with a set of extensive challenges. As the technology continues to mature (quicker than we are able to plan), organizations will also have to deal with a changing workforce, and create new models for Human Augmentation. This means balancing trust from your customers, unlocking new ways of adding value and managing data, privacy and security. To truly gain an Enterprise productivity boost - all this will have to be supported and integrated as part of new “ways of working” – rather than having skills “mastered by the few”. Success will mean overcoming “the GPT buzz”, and dealing with the realities of human augmentation…

Tom Einar has over 15 years experience as a consultant and leads our capabilities within Emerging Technologies & Data-Driven Transformation. Driving his customer projects have been drastic re-design of end-to-end processes and combining multiple technologies as part of the solution: Integration Process Platforms, IoT, Automation, Embedded Analytics, AI & Emerging Technology. This targets decisions (augmented & faster), customer experience (proactive & personal), efficiency (self-service & automated). As part of this approach he combines Design thinking principles, modern data-driven processes and an agile approach to value delivery.

Large Language Models. What are they and how will they impact your business?

Alexander Vaagan – Chief Data Scientist, Nordic i Inmeta

What is hype and what should you pay attention to? In this talk Inmeta will give an introduction to what these models are, their capabilities and where they fall short. We will give examples of some use-cases that will likely see a huge benefit from these models as apposed to existing technologies. Finally, we will talk about what the future might hold.

Alexander is Chief Data Scientist in Inmeta, with broad experience from applying data driven solutions to industries such as retail, healthcare, energy, telecom and the financial sector. He has 20+ years’ experience from the IT industry whereof 10 years hands on experience with AI and Machine Learning. He normally takes the role of ML Solution architect and project manager in projects within Machine Learning and advanced analytics.

Inmeta er et konsulentselskap i Crayon-gruppen som hjelper virksomheter å skape betydningsfulle gevinster for kunder, ansatte og eiere ved hjelp av kraften som finnes i data.

The impact of generative AI for private and public enterprises

Henning Rokling – Advisor i Knowit Impact

Since late last year GPT-technology has spurred both joy, imagination and fear in the professional workforce. The disruptive potential seems obvious, yet most if not all of us struggle to grasp its impact and influence. Most enterprises share similar questions: How can generative AI influence our product- and service portfolio? How does this impact our workday, our tools, and our workforce?
Henning Rokling from Knowit shares a framework for how both public and private enterprises should approach new knowledge technology and the use of generative AI in their organizations.
Henning has worked with disruptive technology for more than 30 years in game development, finance and AI, and is also the founder of the Oslo Generative AI Meetup group. 

Vi må endre måten vi jobber på. Men hvordan?

Thomas Thoresen – Senior Manager og Forretningsutvikler AI i Sopra Steria Trondheim

Thomas går gjennom hvordan Sopra Steria har endret måten de selv jobber på ved hjelp av ChatGPT, og hjelper kunder å gjøre det samme.
Han vil presentere hvordan de har utviklet en ny tjeneste, som publikum også kan få teste ut selv.
Dere vil få høre en litt om hvordan tjenesten ble utviklet, erfaringer underveis og ikke minst læringsmomenter fra prosessen.

Thomas Thoresen har erfaring fra over 30 maskinlæring/AI-prosjekter, der mange har skapt stor verdi for kundene.
Thomas er opptatt av å skape verdi, og ønsker å bidra til dette både gjennom en solid forretningsforståelse, og ikke minst å holde seg kontinuerlig oppdatert faglig gjennom hands-on utforsking.

Gjør ChatGPT til ekspert på interne data

Herman Sjøberg – CEO / CTO i Ayfie

Forestill deg at du har en kollega som har lest og holder seg oppdatert på alle dokumenter du har tilgang til i bedriften du jobber, inklusive dine personlige eposter. Hadde det vært nyttig å spørre en slik person om noe i arbeidshverdagen? Da bør du få med deg dette foredraget. ChatGPT er trent på enorme mengder data fra åpne kilder som internett, bøker og artikler. Den kan gi deg faktaopplysninger, råd, skrive tekst for deg og veilede deg. I dette foredraget lærer du om hvordan du kan gjøre ChatGPT til å også bli en ekspert på interne og personlige data.

Herman joined Ayfie in September 2021. Before joining Ayfie, Herman was the Business Development Director at Capgemini. He also served as Community of Practice lead responsible for training consultants in best practices for digital transformation within the data analytics and insights area. Herman co-founded the investment advisory company Forvaltningshuset (now Söderberg & Partners Norway) serving as CTO and Partner. He holds a Master's Degree in Economics from BI Norwegian Business School.

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